

來(lái)源:邦立(lì)威    2019-11-24    點擊(jī)量:120


大(dà)電流(倍率)放電 discharge in highrate current

標稱電壓 Normal voltage

標稱(chēng)容量 normal capacity

放電容量 discharge capacity

充電上限電壓 limited voltage in charge

放電下限(xiàn)電壓 terminating voltage in discharge

恒流充電 constant current charge

恒壓充電 constant voltage charge

恒流放電 constant current discharge

放(fàng)電曲線 discharge curve

充電曲線 charge curve

放電平台 discharge voltage plateau

容(róng)量(liàng)衰減 capacity attenuation

起始容量 initial discharge capacity

流水線 pipelining

傳(chuán)送帶 carrying tape

焊極耳 welding the current collector

卷繞 wind

疊片 layer

貼膠帶 stick tape

點焊 spot welding

超聲焊 ultrasonic welding



The terminating voltage in discharge of the battery is 3.0 volt.The limited voltage in charge of the battery is 4.2 volt.三(sān)元素

Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium Oxide

three elements materials

鈷酸鋰 Cobalt Lithium Oxide

錳酸鋰 Manganese Lithium Oxide

石墨 graphite

烘箱 oven

真空烘箱 vacuum oven

攪拌機 mixing device vacuum mixing device

塗布機 coating equipment



裁紙刀 paper knife ,,,,,,cutting knife

分條機 equipment for cutting big piece to much pieces

輥壓機 roll press equipment

電阻點焊(hàn)機 spot welding machine

超聲點(diǎn)焊機 ultrasonic spot welding machine

卷繞機 winder

自動疊片機 auto laminating machine

激光焊機 laser welding machine

注液機(jī) infusing machine

真空注液(yè)機 vacuum infusion machine

預充(chōng)櫃 pre-charge equipment

化成櫃 formation systems

分容櫃 grading systems

測試櫃 testing systems

內阻儀 battery inner resistance tester

萬用表 multimeter

轉盤式真空封(fēng)口機 turntable type vacuum sealing machine

自動衝膜機 automatic aluminum membrane shaper

